The Savage Young Beatles



But first meet Tom Hamilton, a multi-instrumentalist singer, songwriter, and band leader who has played all over the UK, Europe, and as far as China as a headline act with his original band 'Little Triggers'. But perhaps the most fun Tom's had of late, has been his year-long residency at the legendary Cavern Club (Liverpool, UK) where he played three times a week to thousands of adoring Beatles fans from all over the world.

Now, Tom is once again the leader of the band but this time he's standing in the towering Cuban heels of one John Winston Lennon as leader of 'The Savage Young Beatles'. TSYB recreates the raucous, rough, and hard rocking shows the pre-Fab Four were famous for performing during their Kaiserkeller Hamburg, DE and Cavern Club Liverpool, UK residencies (1960-1963) while at the incomprehensible (and illegal) average age of 18!

The Savage Young Beatles focus on this period of mop top enlightenment with musical precision, strict attention to detail, historical accuracy, ferocity, and a wild abandon that's guaranteed to incite Beatlemania in its very earliest forms! It's no wonder these four lads are being hailed as the rightful heir to the Beatles moniker, 'the greatest tearoom orchestra in the world' by all those who hear them!

TSYB gives Beatles fans young and old alike the opportunity to witness how four unsuspecting, hardworking, talented beyond belief, and very lucky young men surprised everyone (especially themselves) by becoming the biggest music and cultural sensation of the 20th century and for all foreseeable time. The Savage Young Beatles range in age from 19 to 26.

All four members are highly skilled and schooled musicians who live and love the Beatles and interpret them with reverence.

TSYB look and sound just like the young BEATLES, perform on period correct instruments, and dress in period correct black leather and (later) skinny tie attire. Their accents are real, and they attract and connect with both young and veteran Beatles fans who yearn to experience the topper most of the popper most excitement that comes with seeing and hearing the Beatles for the very first time.

Before They Were Beatles Fab Four historian, speaker, podcast creator, and author Alan J. Porter, as consultant to TSYB helps ensure historical and musical accuracy. Providing careful attention to fascinating fine details that have been overlooked until now, Alan and TSYB are guaranteed to incite early symptoms of Beatlemania in Fab Four fans of all ages!

After TSYB’s performance, you are invited to join Alan and the lads at their merchandise area for a free meet & greet and Q&A regarding all things Beatles.